It was decided early on that the partnership would only be funded with money specifically given or raised to be used for that purpose. Over the years we have used many ways to raise funds.
We started in 2006 with a talent challenge. After a service on the parable of the talents congregation members were invited to come and receive a £10 note. They had to take this away and use it as they saw fit to raise money from it. We discovered a huge range of talents - jam-makers, bakers, craft skills, and many more - so that our money came back multiplied tenfold.
We've had African evenings, concerts, sponsored events, a talent auction (where people offered their talents as a service and others bid for them), lunches, pamper party evenings and many other events. Individuals have sponsored particular areas of work, and others make regular standing order donations. We've had donations following wedding anniversary parties, school events, and social gatherings. People from many places far beyond our own congregation and parish have joined in. Particualr mention is due to Bathgate EU URC Church which has been a constant supporter of the partnership and has raised substantial sums over many years (totalling over £10,000) to help with partnership projects. None of the partnership's work has been funded from the ordinary income of St Kenneth's, and we are always clear exactly what any particular event is supporting.
Recent fundraising events have included a stall at Kennoway Carnival which raised nearly £400 and a Harvest Supper. We are continuing to raise money for a variety of different projects particularly concerned with education and microfinance.