
St Kenneth's depends on the generous support of its members to be able to do all the things we do. At the moment, the cost of providing a ministry team, local staff, running our buildings, contributing to shared Church of Scotland costs and meeting our basic expenses adds up to over £2000 every week. We believe the best way to encourage people to support our work is to let them see the range and quality of what we do within our communities.

The main ways of supporting St Kenneth's are

Regular giving - either by standing order or by weekly offering envelopes. This is our most important source of income and without it we could not operate. 

Gift Aid - taxpayers who sign gift aid certificates make their givings even more valuable. 

Gifts of time and talents - people who help with the huge range of tasks in St Kenneth's are invaluable to us, and we are always happy to have new volunteers to share our work.

Fundraising - we have a great team of fundraisers. There are all sorts of events over a typical year - coffee mornings, plant sales, Christmas fairs, strawberry teas, concerts, thrift shop, kirk lunches and far too many to name. These raise money, build friendships, strengthen community and they are a lot of fun. Watch the calendar page for details.

Special projects - some of our work is supported by special projects. For example, only money specifically donated or raised for the Malawi partnership is used for that purpose. Occasionally we have special projects such as raising the money for a replacement minibus. Elsewhere on the website you'll find details of our current development plans which will be the largest special project we have ever undertaken.

Other charities - we sometimes raise money for other charities, for example Christian Aid, Poppy Scotland or special appeals. 

Christian Aid count team

You can get more details of how you can support our work and you can obtain standing order or gift aid forms, or offering envelopes by contacting the church office 01333 351372 or

Copies of church accounts are available from the office if you want to see in more detail how we raise and spend our resources. We are a registered charity and our Scottish charity number is SC 016733.

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